Geo Snelling
Jan 12, 2023


You should have leaned into this one, Adeline. You've set a high bar for writing about when you're low (or at least somewhere on the side!); deft, hilarious, heartfelt paragraphs about deeply neurotic things. It's your self-theraputic superpower.

I usually have little in common with your topics - if I saw a rogue lash extension I'd probably smack it with a flyswatter in ignorance - but read you because it's rewarding to encounter good craft (aside: Susan Orlean is great. I mean, New Yorker, duh.). Hoping you hold Sybarite to high standards, even as its tone & style will diversify.

I've got nuthin' for your pub, but... I've travelled a lot - there's no hotel like Hotel Uzbekistan - and maybe there's an angle on my several years of sartorial success at a used clothing joint in the Valley affiliated with B-list celebrities. Hmm.



Geo Snelling

Writing my thoughts, with the goal of prompting yours, from a timezone consisting of only 5M people. I work at a confluence of art and software engineering.